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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny Story

I have had a lot of people ask me how I told Brad when I found out I was pregnant. It is actually a pretty funny story so I thought I would share it with all. After I started having symptoms and thought I could be pregnant I took "a few" pregnancy tests and they all came out negative. I thought that these things are pretty expensive and I was obviously not pregnant and I needed to stop wasting my money so I resolved to buy no more. Not 48 hours later the symptoms resumed stronger than ever so on the way home from a friends house I asked Brad to stop by the drugstore so we could get just one more. He obliged and we went home with one more package in hand. Since the previous tests had all come out negative I thought the best thing to do would be to wait and take the test in the morning so the hormones that trigger the test would be at their strongest. So we went about our evening and tucked into bed.
Around 2am I woke up after having a very distinct dream that I took the pregnancy test and it was positive. I knew I wanted to wait to take the test in the morning so I rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. The only problem was that I had to go... and when I say had to go, I mean there was going to be no waiting. So now the dilemma... take the test now? Take the test in the morning? What to do, what to do?? I figured there were two in the box so I might as well go for it now. Well in my delirious 2 am state I went in the bathroom and took the test and low and behold the plus sign appeared. It definitely made me do a double take because I always think the second line is appearing only to realize my eyes are playing tricks on me. Only this time they weren't!
So now another dilemma.... Should I wake Brad up? Should I let him sleep and tell him in the morning?? Well I decided to be a good wife and let him sleep and we could celebrate the news in the morning. Well of course that didn't work. Try to go back to sleep after learning your whole life is about to change. Doesn't work too well! So I very gently woke Brad up and he asked what I needed. I said "Ummm I am pretty sure we are pregnant now" to which he replied "What makes you think that?" I said "well I had a positive test" "What? Now????" I then launched into the story about the dream and having to pee and not knowing what to do until he interrupted me and hugged and congratulated me. Then he rolled back over and went to sleep. I guess for some life altering news doesn't have the same effect, haha! It will certainly be a memorable story! This picture below is the 2 am test! Definitely positive!

The next morning after things soaked in a bit we decided to take another "just in case". The hormones weren't quite as strong this time but there was definitely a faint line. We were sure now! A trip to the base hospital later that day for a blood test sealed the deal.

About two weeks later I woke up in the morning having another really strong dream. I sent my friend Kendall a text that said "I know you're going to hate me... but I had a dream last night that you were pregnant!" To which she replied "You're right I do hate you. I think the dream must mean you are pregnant." Little did she know I was pregnant and a few weeks later she would also announce she was pregnant! We both laughed about that dream and from our calculations we think that dream was almost at the exact time she conceived! I will let you know if I start dreaming about any of you!!

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