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Monday, April 5, 2010

A week in review

Last week was a really busy week for us! It just seemed like every day brought new adventures. We did lots of errands and running around. We had a doctors appointment. We took walks and spent time with friends and got ready for Easter! It was a busy week! Here is Micah looking cute ready to go on our errands.

One of the most notable things that happened this past week was that Micah started smiling! He doesn't do it really often but in the mornings after a good night's sleep and a big breakfast he is just so happy and will sit with us and hang out. He gives us most of his smiles during this time. I guess he is a morning person! We are still trying to catch a good pic of it on the camera but here is our best try so far.

Another fun thing that happened this week was that my parents mailed us a baby scale that the office my Mom worked for gave us. We are excited to be able to watch our little guy grow and he is definitely still growing! We had a doctor's appointment last Thursday and Micah now weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz ... That is over a pound gained from his last appointment. He is still measuring at 20.5 in so no change there.

I am also convinced that he is currently going through a growth spurt! Starting Friday he started wanted to eat much more often than he usually does. He also gave us some great nights of sleep. Thursday and Friday, I fed him around 11 pm, he woke up about 2:30 am, and then slept until 7:00 am!! Saturday and Sunday I fed him twice during the night, around 1:30 and 5:00 am, then he slept until around 7:30-8. This has been a great new trend and I really hope we can keep it up. It makes me feel more like a functional member of society when I get sleep.

Sunday brought Micah's first Holiday.... Easter! We got up and ready and went to Church. We were debating on what we should do with Micah. We thought about taking him to the Nursery but since he hasn't gotten all of his shots yet we decided against it. We ended up taking our sleeping baby to the service with us and he slept through the entire thing!! What a great kid! Here are the Easter Pics!

Micah with Daddy on Easter

Micah with Mommy on Easter

Micah Ready for Church

Micah with his Easter Basket. The Easter Bunny found him!

We thought it would be cute to get a pic of Micah in the basket. He did not think this was cute.

Then Mommy thought we could give him some Easter hair on his bald head and he was even less entertained by this!

1 comment:

Chione said...

I love all the photos ... keep updating! We didn't do much for Easter this year since Kamy is so little but I am planning on buying some plastic easter eggs that are on super sale now and stashing them for next year. Can't wait to hunt for them!