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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Orange Baby Food Day!

What is Wednesday Sept 29th you ask?  Well it is orange baby food making day of course! 

I have been making almost all of Micah's food (only not making his cereal... hey I can't spend all day processing grains!)  We were running low on orange food so today became orange food day.  I stocked up yesterday at the store on sweet potatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, and speghetti squash.  Good thing they were having a sale on squash!!  I spent ALL day making this stuff and still have a couple of dirty dishes left waiting on me.  I am hoping we now have a lifetime supply of orange baby food and I won't have to make it again!  Believe it or not, this picture is only about half of what I made... there is just as much already in the freezer.  I figured out that I made roughly $50 (Wal-mart price) of baby food for only $15!  I guess that makes it worth it.


Chione said...

That's awesome Kimber! I'm still experimenting with McKamy to see which foods she will eat and which will be a battle. I've been buying one of each kind of organic baby food to experiment with to start. Those that she will eat I'll make myself and freeze.

Hooray for orange foods - those are Kamy's favorite veggies at the moment. Sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin are all successful in our house!

Ethan and Jennifer said...

Wow, you are my hero! Great job...I am super impressed!! :)

Ethan and Jennifer said...

Wow, you are my hero! Great job...I am super impressed!! :)

The Christians said...

Amazing!! Micah is one lucky little boy to have such a good cook for a Mommy!