Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hey Big Sitter!

Micah is starting to go upright! People have been asking me for a while now if Micah is sitting. My answer has been no. He could balance for a few seconds sometimes but not what I would really classify as sitting. Just yesterday the tables turned! He started sitting for more extended periods! I would say the longest he has balanced sitting is probably right around a minute but you can tell he is quickly mastering this skill. It will be no time before it is just nothing to him. Another thing he has been working had on is grabbing his pacifier and placing it in his mouth. This one is proving to be difficult especially because we use the Mam pacifiers and the end is big and round so most of the time he tries to get that side in his mouth instead of the paci end. Oh well we will update you on that more later.

You can see the big boy sitting here...

Then it's "oh look my toes! Cool!!"

Which often results in "TIMBER!!!!"

1 comment:

The Christians said... cute! What a big boy!