Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Nothing beats the comfort of old friendships!  It is just wonderful when you can reconnect with people when life has taken you in different directions.  And life is always taking us in a different direction! While Brad was stationed in Korea in 2007 I spent my time in Texas and got to be a part of a wonderful small group from our church.  It was a really neat group because we were all about the same age and all at the same place in life.  Young, married, no kids, and a faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.  It was a great year and whether they know it or not, many times these girls were my sanity and the thing I most looked forward to each week.  It was interesting because most all of the group were transplants to the DFW area, and when I left to move to South Carolina in November of that year I started the snowball effect of everyone else leaving.  Some to other parts of Texas and some to other states, almost everyone moved away.  As I have again been spending time in Texas I have really missed the group of girls and their husbands being a part of my life.  So the reunion seed was planted.

Months down the road, plans were set, travels were made and everyone was so excited for our group to be together again!  Today we finally had everyone get together and it was such a treat.  Of all those young, married, no kids friends, we used to be 3 years ago, were now a little bit older, a little bit wiser, and had added a few extra little ones!  Most all of us have kids very close in age, and almost all boys!

We had a cook out and let all the kiddos roam wild!  It was such a blast! I miss these friends being close and wish this was still a weekly get together for us!  Here were some highlights of the reunion:

Jackson and Micah riding the zebra!

Micah thought Ethan had very good taste in clothing

Some of my favorite girls and their boys
Me & Micah, Jennifer & Elijah, Stacy & Jackson, JaNae & Zander, Katy & Jenzen
(Sorry you missed the picture Chione & Kamy!)

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