Thursday, April 29, 2010
Lazy Boys!
Go Biscuits!
Monday, April 26, 2010
2 Months Old
Today you are 2 months old! How the time has flown! You bring such joy into our lives everyday. This month brought lots of firsts. You started standing and really demand for us to help you stand up most times that you are awake and playing with us. You really enjoy working your muscles and we think that any day you are just going to take off running! You also gave us your first gummy grins this month. At first you would just smile in the mornings but as you got used to smiling you smile when ever we play your favorite games with you day or night. My favorite thing in the world right now is when I come to get you out of your crib in the morning you will look up at me and give me your biggest, happiest smile! The latest first that we have had is cooing. You are starting to "talk" to us and sometimes you even sing along to the radio in the car. Some of your recent favoites include Taylor Swift and Justin Timeberlake. We love hearing your voice and your Daddy is especially good at speaking baby to you and you and he often have whale-like conversations and Mommy just loves to sit back and watch.
You are ever more alert and aware of the world around you. You cry less now and instead actively take in everything going on around you. We are giving you lots to look at too as we took our first big road trip (outside of mommy's tummy) this month. We drove from our home in South Carolina all the way to Montgomery Alabama to accompany Daddy to a school he had to attend for work. You now have visited Georgia and Alabama. 3 states by the time you were 6 weeks old! Not too shabby! You are enjoying going all sorts of places with Mommy while Daddy is working. We go on lots of walks and errands. You love being in the fresh air and are so happy looking at all of the bright colors of spring outside. You also have been enjoying shopping trips with Mommy. All of the things to see in the stores seem to keep you wide awake and alert. There was so much to do and see this month and we did our best to soak it all in!
This month has also brought much more regularity to all of our schedules. We have worked really hard since day one to do things that will promote a healthy schedule for you and you are beginning to thrive on this. We always eat after nap time, then we spend time together and play and then nap all over again. This all leads up to bedtime where you are now giving Mommy up to 6 hours of sleep at a time! Mommy and Daddy are both much more well rested and so proud of how well you are adjusting to night time sleep.
Our happy family is getting the hang of life together. It seems that time is a precious commodity and we are trying to treasure every moment and experience with you. This month was such fun seeing your personality begin to develop and we can't wait to see what unfolds each new day!
Mom and Dad
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Caught a Smile!
Since it is newborn sized I don't know if we will get to wear it again but it was totally worth the clearance purchase. It was fun to see how much he had grown though. This is the same brand (Carter's) as many of the outfits we dressed him in on his first weeks at home. They used to eat him alive, but now he was a nice snug fit into it (mostly in length). My how he has grown!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
What's New in Month Two!
The big development for week 7 is cooing. He is now starting to "talk" to us and interact with us when we play with him. Again, very difficult to catch on camera since he will get distracted when we get it out but I was able to catch a really brief coo on camera below. Sorry if you get sea sick... I was filming him in the swing!
Monday, April 19, 2010
What we did today...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Baby Burrito
Friday, April 16, 2010
Micah's First Girlfriend!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Free Kisses, Anyone?
Catching up!
I decided I had better get some more pacifiers because Micah really likes them but he only takes one kind really well and I happened to get it at Big Lots. I went back to get more and they didn't have any anymore! I was panicking just a little inside because we only have 2 and we lose them daily. As I was leaving Big Lots I was trying to think where else I could possibly find some that were similar. I had already looked at Wal-Mart and on base (which exhausts most all of our options in Sumter) and then I saw the K-mart sign. I have only been there once since living in Sumter so I made my second trip. Hallelujah! Not only did they have them but they had lots of them!! I had to get this one below. When Micah was a few weeks old we noticed that anytime rock and roll came on he would quiet down. So it seems to be his genre of choice and now he can tell the world!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Bumbo Boy!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Male Pattern Baldness Part 2
Monday, April 5, 2010
A week in review
Another fun thing that happened this week was that my parents mailed us a baby scale that the office my Mom worked for gave us. We are excited to be able to watch our little guy grow and he is definitely still growing! We had a doctor's appointment last Thursday and Micah now weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz ... That is over a pound gained from his last appointment. He is still measuring at 20.5 in so no change there.
I am also convinced that he is currently going through a growth spurt! Starting Friday he started wanted to eat much more often than he usually does. He also gave us some great nights of sleep. Thursday and Friday, I fed him around 11 pm, he woke up about 2:30 am, and then slept until 7:00 am!! Saturday and Sunday I fed him twice during the night, around 1:30 and 5:00 am, then he slept until around 7:30-8. This has been a great new trend and I really hope we can keep it up. It makes me feel more like a functional member of society when I get sleep.
Sunday brought Micah's first Holiday.... Easter! We got up and ready and went to Church. We were debating on what we should do with Micah. We thought about taking him to the Nursery but since he hasn't gotten all of his shots yet we decided against it. We ended up taking our sleeping baby to the service with us and he slept through the entire thing!! What a great kid! Here are the Easter Pics!
Micah with Daddy on Easter
Micah with Mommy on Easter
Micah Ready for Church
Micah with his Easter Basket. The Easter Bunny found him!
We thought it would be cute to get a pic of Micah in the basket. He did not think this was cute.
Then Mommy thought we could give him some Easter hair on his bald head and he was even less entertained by this!