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Friday, August 27, 2010

My Poor Little Baby!

So I guess 6 months was all we were able to manage to shield him from the world. Micah came down with his first bug this past weekend. Last Saturday I noticed that he was much fussier than normal but when I took his temperature and it was normal I just attributed the fussiness to staying up too late the night before. On Sunday I went ahead and took his temperature again before taking him into the church nursery just to be safe and again totally normal. After we got home from Church he took a nice long nap (an extra bonus we get on church days!) and then when he woke up I fed him and noticed that he felt very warm to me. I went ahead and took his temp again (he was getting rather tired of this process) and it was at 102!! I thought he seemed off but since he had no other symptoms except for the excessive, at least in my opinion, fussiness I decided to call the doctor just to make sure. I got the after hours line and to make a long story short, after 3 hours and three phone calls a nurse finally called me back. By this time Micah had become less fussy since we were holding our poor sick baby constantly but you could definitely tell he didn't feel well and was a bit lethargic. The nurse said since he didn't show other symptoms we should go ahead and take him to the emergency room just to be safe. So at 8 pm we finally headed out to the ER. We were "fast tracked" since he was so little and two hours later we left with some Tylenol and the diagnosis that he checked out perfect so he probably had a little virus and it should work itself out over the next couple of days. Well a couple of days later he is now back to his happy playful self! Needless to say Mommy is very glad to have her happy baby back! One funny story from the hospital was that when we were checking in they asked me if he had everbeen there before. I said no. THen she asked if he was born there, to which I answered yes! Oops! I guess he has been to the hosipital before. He was just in my tummy the last time I went through those ER doors!

With Daddy in Triage

The littlest hospital bracelet ever!

1 comment:

The Christians said...

Awww...poor baby! That is the worst when they don't feel good. Glad everything checked out okay. Scary to have to go through that though, even if you logically know they are most likely okay.