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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Adventures in Baby Food,Teething and Crawling!

We have been busy, busy, busy over the past couple of weeks. After our little trip to the ER we thought we were done with feeling yucky. We had our happy baby back and we had a break through in eating! We have been feeding Micah solid food since he turned 5 months old but he just never was really interested in it. Then last week he decided he was ready! We went from feeding him less than 1 tablespoon of oatmeal to 3 in one weeks time! He is gobbling up his peas too. With all that new solid food his system, ummmm.... got a little backed up, shall we say. Upon the advice of a friend we went out to buy some prunes. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. I can't blame him since I smelled them and I don't think I would have eaten them either. Another friend told me to try prune juice, so another trip to the store and we tried the juice. Micah is a smart little guy though and he looked at me like, "Mom this tastes just like the other prunes. I'm not going to drink this!!" So when that didn't work we had to get creative and invented prune-oatmeal, Yum! That did the job and let's just say the little guy was feeling a lot better later that day. After we got through that hurdle last weekend we had a fussy baby again yesterday! He was having trouble napping and was just not himself. While his mouth was wide open mid-cry I got a nice peek and saw two little dots on his bottom gum. Yup we are now full on teething. Poor little guy had to deal with his first virus, constipation, and teething all in a weeks time. We have still managed to have fun along the way though. Here are some pics hanging out with Daddy.

Also, BIG NEWS! Today I can officially say that Micah is crawling. He started coordinating his arms and legs and actually crawling for the first time this morning at 6 months and 4 days. He still scoots some but is crawling more and more! I have some video I can post later. Also, he has been pushing up off his knees onto his hands and feet like he wants to stand up. Of course he is no where near that but he just thinks he will show me what new trick he has mastered every day!

In other baby food news, I have been wanting to make home made baby food once he started his solids but never really got around to it. This weekend I decided to know that out. We decided to give him some new flavors and I made him Winter Squash mix (pictured below) and sweet potatoes. We started with the winter squash mix and he loved it! I was happy that he didn't reject my cooking but was even happier that we found another veggie he likes. So far likes are: Peas, winter squash, and oatmeal. Dislikes: Green beans, rice cereal, prunes.

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