Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grabbing, Rolling, Playing, and Posing!

The past week has been SO much fun! Micah is really going from a newborn to an infant and has been doing lots of new things. I think we have seen him do something completely new pretty much every day this week. He started grabbing things recently but at first just grabbed things randomly or mostly that were near his hands. This week we introduced him to toys and he really had a great time playing with them. It is a lot of fun to watch him discover new things and begin to interact with them.

Micah started rolling over from front to back a few weeks ago and although he still does it, he is selective about when he wants to exert enough effort to actually perform this feat. This week he started showing signs of getting closer to turning over from back to front. He has started to roll over to his side regularly during play time. He hasn't gotten any farther than that yet but I believe our stationary days are numbered....

Another very exciting first he has had this week is laughing. He still doesn't do it often but if you get the tickle spot under his chin just right, or raise him up and down in the air when he is in the perfect mood he will start to giggle and squeal. This is probably one of the most fun things for us to watch him learn to do! I will definitely post a video when we are able to catch it because a baby's laugh is just one of those things that will melt your heart!

I had to laugh when my mother-in-law told me that Micah must love getting his picture taken because he is always looking straight at the camera. He does humor me for all of my "photo shoots", but the truth is I just keep snapping pic after pic and then pick out the few that actually came out well. For example for the post with pics I did yesterday I think I posted about ten. I actually took 86. So that tells you about how good I am at taking pictures, haha! We took a few more pics this morning. He has started to sit up with much less support so I thought it would be fun to get him on the chair. In the midst of the shoot he began to slide down. I kept snapping photos, and although they were a little blurry because of the movement, the pose ended up to be priceless!

This is where we started:

And this is where we ended up:

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