I had another fun doctor's appointment today. The downside was that I did have to get a finger prick but the upside was that we got to have another sonogram. I had a quick check up and am measuring 25 cm. They start measuring you at 20 weeks and the general rule of thumb is that you are supposed to measure one cm for every week you are so at 23.5 weeks I am
actually a couple of cm ahead. So for all of you who keep telling me I'm little, apparently I am not, I am actually big! I just carry it well :)
I haven't had a chance to scan in the ultrasound pics yet but will probably get them up and done this weekend. It is still a boy so no
surprises there! Everything continued to look good on the ultrasound and the baby was moving around for us. It was
weird to see the baby move on the big screen and feel it at the same time. He was even giving us a laugh because he was taking his hand and pushing out at us like "Why are you poking me??? Let me out of here!!" The tech said he is positioned head down with his body curled on the left side of my abdomen and the hands and feet to the right. I think he has been like that most of the pregnancy because I always seem to think the left side of my stomach looks bigger than the right.
Baby boy is getting bigger. At 23 weeks the baby is 11 in long and a little over a pound. Our fruit of the week is a large mango. As I have mentioned I can feel him
strongly and often. I can not only feel him m
oving inside but also outside if I put my hand on my stomach when he is moving. Sometimes when he makes big movements I can even see my stomach moving!
I will try to get the ultrasound pics up this weekend so check back soon!