Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have been trying to keep the blog updated twice a week but a couple of things happened this past week...

1. I figured out I am really not that interesting :) I just didn't know what to write about twice a week since nothing new is really happening!

2. I have been BUSY!

I was asked to take a new position at my company that I am really excited about. It will definitely be a new challenge for me but I think it is a great fit. On the flip side that has meant that I have been transitioning into my new role and still have all the responsibilities of my old role at the same time. This week I have been working with the girl who will be taking over all of my old accounts so I can finally get that off my plate! Thank goodness! We are good friends too so we have been working hard but having lots of fun along the way. Over the first three days of the week we have covered pretty much the entire state of SC and driven over 700 mi and we aren't even done yet!! Good thing we get along so well because that is a lot of windshield time. The truth is we have been laughing non-stop since we started on Monday! We have been trying to get in some fun sights along the way too. Last night we got to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant, Lady and Son's. It was DELICIOUS! And we got serenaded by a waiter and complimented on our highlights by a bus boy!! They really know how to flatter a lady at this southern restaurant!

Changing subjects... I am 12 weeks now and I do think I am starting to feel a little better. I still think how I feel is directly related to how much rest I am able to get so I still have some days that are better than others. I am convinced that I am starting to show but Brad still thinks I am crazy!! The baby is officially the size of a lime now- about two inches in length. So it would make sense that I am starting to notice it more. While Maria and I have been traveling together this week we stopped at a cute maternity boutique in Charleston after work one day called Sprouts. They had lots of cute maternity clothes but the most fun part was that for people like me who aren't showing too much yet they have little bellies you can strap on to use to try on the clothes! It was fun to get a glimpse of how I would look. I did get a great deal there on a pair of designer maternity jeans for 75% off! Even though I'm not sure exactly how big I will get or how my body will change I can never resist a great deal! Citizens of Humanity for $40!! It's a steal!

The other great thing that happened this week is that the counter at the top of my blog dropped to less than 200 days until baby! I see that thing every time I log in a being over 200 days away just seemed so long!! Everyone has told me that the beginning of the pregnancy seems the longest and then things just start to fly by. I don't feel like it has been so slow since I have been really busy but I am excited about hitting the under 200 day milestone!

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