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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Latest Purchase

So you know your life is changing when the highlight of your day is a new stroller! I have been researching strollers for the majority of the pregnancy and found there is quite a selection out there. Thanks to recommendations from a few good friends (Thanks Abbey and Debra!) we finally settled on the Phil & Teds Sport. And let me tell you... this is no ordinary stroller. It is like the transformers of strollers! This is the exact one we got:

It is the color, configuration, etc. that arrived on our doorstep. Now you might be thinking "this looks like a double stroller and I am pretty sure she isn't having twins!" No, no twins! This is one of my favorite features of this stroller. It moves from a single to a double stroller seamlessly as your family grows. All you do is just snap on or off the doubles seat in the back.

Another feature I love is that it is an "inline" stroller with wheels that are much like a bicycle. This means that you can use it everyday but it is also great for jogging! Not that I actually jog, but Brad does! Good quality father-son bonding time. And who knows what lengths I will go to lose the baby weight, maybe I will be a jogger too someday!

This picture shows what the stroller looks like as a single. So this is the configuration I will be using it in for a nice long while. Since I have been around SOOOO much boy stuff lately I couldn't resist posting the picture in pink. They actually have all sorts of fun colors but we went with black/charcoal.

Here is where it gets interesting! The stroller can convert to all of your needs as you have one newborn all the way to two toddlers! The pic on the top right shows the configuration for one newborn. You can lay the seat in the stroller completely flat so they can just camp out and sleep in there. Then you move to the top left where you have one toddler. Next you get to put the doubles attachment back on. The pic on the bottom left shows a newborn and a toddler. Then finally the bottom right shows two toddlers. I love how nice and compact this stroller is and how you can grow to two kiddos without having a HUGE mama double stroller. It is still nice and manageable!

The last thing we got was an extra attachment so that we could use the stroller with our car seat. That way we can plop our carrier right on top without having to wake the baby up and move him to the stroller when we get in and out of the car. The pic above is another fun color... they call this one apple!

Our newest purchase arrived in the mail yesterday and Brad already got it put together and taught me all about how to use it. Like I said, it is a bit of a sanity check but I am very, very excited about this latest purchase and hope it is able to be a part of our family for a LONG time!


Chione said...

I'm so glad you've found one that you're crazy about! There are a zillion options out there and sometimes it's hard to wade through all the options and information to make a decision. =)

We ended up ordering the Chicco Cortina travel system to use ... I really liked the weight of both the car seat and the stroller, it fits in my trunk, and it is SOOOO easy to get in and out of both the car seat base and the stroller. I think it will be a good fit for us.

Enjoy the new toy!

Shelby and Johnny Family said...

yep, i think you may have seen my blog post about the phil & teds, but that's what i went with when we added hazel to our family. i didn't even know they existed until about a year ago. i can't tell you how great it makes my life! i just love it, especially with a 2 1/2 year old and 3 month old. you'll be so glad you have it.